South Carolina Bankruptcy Law Association

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2021 Virtual Annual Seminar

  • September 24, 2021
  • September 30, 2021
  • Virtual


  • Comp registration per sponsorship
  • You are a legal assistant or paralegal
  • You are not a member of SCBLA
  • You are a legal assistant or paralegal AND you registered and paid for the in person seminar
  • You are not a member of SCBLA AND you registered and paid for the in person seminar
  • You are a member of SCBLA AND you registered and paid for the in person seminar
  • You are a Government type member of SCBLA & you registered for the in person seminar
  • You are a Government employee, but are NOT a member of SCBLA & you pre-registered for the in person seminar
  • You are a member of SCBLA
  • You are a Government type member of SCBLA
  • You are a Government employee, but are NOT a member of SCBLA

Registration is closed

31st Annual Seminar

To Be Held Virtually

September 24th and September 30th

© 2021 SCBLA

Call Us:

Phone: (803) 252-5646

Toll Free: (800) 445-8629


1 Windsor Cove, Suite 305

Columbia, SC 29223

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